That’s a wrap on Art for Peace
Thank you to all the performers and generous donors that made this concert a success. Thank you to our volunteers, Andrew Adridge, Renee Fajardo Daniela Agostino, Natalya Gennadi, Jaclyn Grossman, Nolan Kehler, Taylor Long, and Daevyd Pepper, for organizing and producing the concert.
Thank you to everyone who tuned in, and showed up for Ukraine.
The Numbers Speak for themselves
Over $12,000 dollars raised by 127 donations that will go to 2 charities to help them offer critical aid to our fellow humans fighting for peace in Ukraine.
Art for Peace was organized by 8 volunteers in 15 days
The concert featured over 70 + performances, by 100 + artists, viewed by 761 audience members, and streamed for just over 5 hours.
Art for Peace, a fundraising concert featuring a host of Canadian, Ukrainian, and international artists all offering their talent in the name of peace for Ukraine. We look to our community, all of you, to help us meet our goal of $5,000. All donations received will be split between Dobrodiy Club and the Red Cross to help them offer critical aid to our fellow humans fighting for peace in their nation. Anything you can give of yourself, whether that be a like and a share of our initiative or a monetary contribution of any size, is appreciated and will support our quest to bring light to Ukraine in this time of darkness.
Concert Information
Date: March 15, 2022
Time: 6:30pm EST
Artists for Peace

A Fundraising Concert for Ukraine
Together, we search for peace. Peace within our homes, peace within our communities, peace within our nation. We are fortunate to live in a place that knows peace, that actively keeps the light that hope emits burning bright in the darkest of times. Through this peace, we renew our faith in humanity each day. Right now, there are people who would seek to do away with that peace, who would seek to do harm to those simply searching for the same humanity that we are afforded. We turn on our screens and scroll through timelines shuttering, frozen in time as images and videos that extinguish the light that hope creates fill our minds. We close our eyes only to see those very images, again and again, feeling helpless miles and miles away as darkness and sorrow grow.
Why we’re taking action! 🇺🇦
Art serves a civic purpose, always. It has become even more apparent in times of extreme darkness and inequity in our world. We as artists realize that a fundamental truth of our artistry is that it must actively seek to do good, to speak when marginalized peoples are silenced, to act as a balm when violence and turmoil once again rear their ugly heads. Over the past several days many of us have been saddened, frustrated, angered, moved to tears, but in all of this have felt helpless. This effort will give us the chance to do something, to have some small part in supporting Ukraine’s cry for peace for their nation. To reject this chance would be not only to do a disservice to their fight, but to do a disservice to the purpose of our art, we at Opera InReach are proud that we can do our part here.
Here is a great resource for learning more about the Russian-Ukraine war
Ways to Support 💙💛
Donate to Our Fundraiser!
Donations are now closed! Thank you to all who helped us pass our original goal of $5,000 to help us reach over $12,000!